Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Olive Appetizer Spread

This is an easy to prepare & delicious, fresh tasting spread for crackers, bagel crisps, or bread.

1/2 cup black olives
1/2 cup green olives
2 pieces of fresh garlic clove
1 teaspoon capers
10 baby tomatoes
4 small sweet red peppers
1 teaspoon onions (optional)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Dash of kosher salt
Dash of black pepper
1/2 teaspoon Texas Pete Hot Sauce (optional)

Chop the black olives, green olives, tomatoes, peppers, onions, into small pieces. You don't need to chop up the capers. Add to a blender or food processor with the dry ingredients & pour in the olive oil. Stir before blending. After blended, add mixture into a ramekin or small serving dish. This spread can be served chilled or at room temperature. I add Texas Pete Hot Sauce for a kick. So easy, fresh, and delicious!

 I use these green olives for the spread. They're far less salty, and have a nice buttery flavor

Olives, Tomatoes, Garlic, Peppers all chopped & ready to blend. 

Spread is served in a ramekin, and served with New York Style Baked Italian Toast

                                                     Easy, fresh & delicious.

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