Monday, April 14, 2014

Slow Cooker Hawaiian Chicken & Butternut Squash Casserole

Today's dinner menu is a very simple recipe. Put all the ingredients in a slow cooker & leave it! Monday's are always hectic for so many of us. So, what better way to prepare a dinner than an easy slow cooker recipe?  Easy, fast & delicious! People will think you worked hard on this!

Recipe for Hawaiian Chicken & Butternut Squash.
2 pounds cubed chicken tenderloin breast.
1 1/2 cup of fresh or canned pineapple juice.
1 cup of cubed fresh or canned pineapple.
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup low sodium soy sauce
2 large finely chopped garlic cloves
1 tablespoon fresh, finely chopped ginger
3 tablespoons water
1 medium sized butternut squash thinly sliced
Fresh Thai basil
2 teaspoons of salt-free herb blend

Coat the slow cooker crock with cooking spray. Easier clean up later. Combine the water, brown sugar, soy sauce, pineapple juice, ginger, and garlic in crock and stir. Add the cubed chicken. Place the butternut squash & pineapple over the cubed chicken. Sprinkle the salt free herb  mix & the Thai basil on the mixture. Allow to cook for at least 6 hours. I like it to cook for that long so that the recipe caramelizes. I usually stir the mixture at least one time. I'm going to serve this with pasta or rice. Brown or yellow rice goes very well with this meal & a bean dish of your choice. Baked beans are perfect!
*Be careful to cube chicken on a large separate cutting board to avoid cross contaminating. Wearing gloves is ideal.
*I enjoy shopping for fresh items whenever possible. I grow my own basil. Fresh is always the best. But, canned is great. For busy people, often times the fresh way is not the easiest way. At least splurge on the spices. It's such a perfect way to spruce up the flavor of your meals.

All ready to start the slow cooking.

After stirring. I spooned out, about a cup of the liquid. Mixed well in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of corn starch to thicken the liquid. Added back to slow cooker. When chicken is almost done. Cook noodles in a pot of boiling salted water. When a little underdone, remove from pot & drain. Stir in No yolk noodles into the slow cooker and simmer. Allow to cook for about another 15-20 minutes. Until noodles are tender & soft. Stir well & serve,  

While simmering. I cooked some chocolate pudding. I use Almond Milk. It's better for you & less calories. Pour pudding into ramekins. Sprinkle cayenne pepper on top. Yes, Cayenne! It adds spice & a nice bang, and makes it not so ordinary. Sliced strawberries & blueberries & grated chocolate on top of berries. Chill until ready to serve. 

Dinner is now ready to be served. The Hawaiian Chicken, Butternut Squash Casserole is served with baked beans, a whole wheat dinner roll & the chocolate pudding dessert. A no fuss meal, that is so simple to prepare. It makes a Monday night meal seem like a Sunday night meal. 

The joy of cooking

I decided after much prompting to create a cooking blog. I love cooking & sharing my recipes. It looks like this is a perfect way to start. So, here goes......